VS1053B Projects

The VLSI VS1053 DSP is programmed by, and connected to, a Raspberry Pi Pico (RP2040), a Teensy3.x and Teensy4.x, and an ATmega328 Arduino Uno, as a Music Effects Box, SDCard Music Player and a Midi Synth.

Github Pages
1. VS1053 SDCard Music Player using a Raspberry Pi Pico
2. VS1053 Audio Effects Preamp using an ATMega328
3. VS1053 Midi Synth using an ATMega328
4. VS1053 Audio Effects Preamp using a Teensy 3.x and 4.x
5. VS1053 SDCard Music Player using a Teensy 3.x and 4.x

Instructables Pages
1. Audio Effects Preamp With VS1053b
2. Micro Midi Synthesizer

Additional Links
1. Raspberry Pi Pico TinyGo VS1053
2. Adafruit VS1053 Codec Breakout Library
3. Arduino VS1053 Library 1
4. Arduino SFEMP3Shield VSLI’s VS10xx Library
5. Arduino VS1053 Library 2
6. SparkFun MP3 Player Shield Library
7. SparkFun MP3 Player Shield
8. Adafruit VS1053 Codec Breakout Board
9. Adafruit Music Maker MP3 Amplifier Shield
10. Adafruit Music Maker MP3 Shield
11. Arduino-audio-tools examples vs1053
12. VS1053 library and VS1053 Pinouts

VLSI Solutions Links
1. VS1053 Ogg Vorbis-MP3-AAC-WMA-FLAC-MIDI Audio Codec Midi-Synth Chip
2. VLSI Forum
3. VSIDE application development suite for VSDSP signal processors
4. VLSI Solution Application Notes
5. VLSI Solution-VS10XX Applications
6. VLSI Solution-VS10XX Patches
7. VLSI Solution-VS10XX Plugins
8. Buy VS1053B